Watch James “JY” Young of Styx Talk The Band’s New Video For An Old Song Suddenly Relevant Again

Styx guitarist James “JY” Young talks new video for 17 year old song that is relevant once again.

Styx guitarist James "JY" Young

Back in 2003 Styx released their album “Cyclorama”.

They just recently released it for streaming for the first time.

Part of the album is their song “These Are The Times”.

When they originally wrote the song it was relevant in the aftermath of September 11th.

These days with the pandemic the lyrics are very relevant once again.

With that in mind Styx created a new video for the song that is dedicated as a thank you to the nation’s first responders and frontline workers.

Watch my Zoom call with guitarist James “JY” Young who is the song’s singer.

Below that you can watch the video for the song.

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