Watch The Video For John Fogerty’s Brand New Song “Weeping In The Promised Land”

John Fogerty has released a new single “Weeping In The Promised Land”. Watch the video for it here.

On January 6th 2021 John Fogerty released a new single.

The song is “Weeping In The Promised Land”

The song and the video for it are both pretty powerful.

The video opens with an image of a church and goes through empty streets, a child outside a locked playground to an empty school, shows people in masks, healthcare workers and Fogerty himself sitting at a piano playing and singing above a valley.

There is a moment where John looks straight into the camera that lets you know he is serious about what he is singing.

The song finds Fogerty in more of a gospel kind of style, playing piano and backed by voices that really give it that gospel feel.

Watch the song’s video below.

A Rolling Stone piece gave some great info on the song and it’s creation “Like many of his peers, both of his generation and younger ones, Fogerty found himself with time on his hands this summer after a scheduled tour was canceled due to Covid-19. He’d first written down the phrase “weeping in the promised land” in one of his songwriting journal notebooks about 25 years ago. A few years back, he finally wrote a song with that title but wasn’t happy with it, now calling it a “generic ditty.” But this summer, with the pandemic raging around him, the phrase “seemed very relevant to me,” he says, and Fogerty decided to scrap that previous attempt and write an entirely new tune around that title.

For someone who recalls knocking out “Fortunate Son” in 20 minutes, writing “Weeping in the Promised Land” proved challenging. Over the summer and into the fall, Fogerty grappled with the lyrics and the breadth of what he wanted to say. Throwing a folding chair, bottles of water, and bags of peanuts into his car, he’d drive to local parks in southern California just to get out of the house and find inspiration. “I felt like I was wandering around in the desert,” he cracks.

Weeks went by, and, finally, in late summer, a line hit him: “Water in the well, been poisoned with lies.” With that, other images and rhymes began pouring out. “It ended up being the hardest song I’ve ever written,” he says. “I kept trying to find better words. You can always find a better word to describe a situation.”

Even then, the journey wasn’t over. Fogerty initially cut the song with the help of drummer Jim Keltner, bassist Don Was, and Fogerty’s son Shane on guitar. The version was very much “in a swamp-rock way,” Fogerty says, but his wife and manager Julie, while supportive, gave him the impression that she was disappointed and heard something else in the song. Her suggestion: Play it on piano, not guitar, per his usual approach.

At first, Fogerty was hesitant, but by coincidence, he had boned up on his keyboard chops after contributing to a Jerry Lee Lewis 85th birthday livestream tribute in October. Right before one family dinner, he scooted into his home studio, tried out the song on his piano, and something clicked. Soon after, a week before Thanksgiving, he tried it again, playing and singing at the same time, and had a final version in just a few takes. Days later, he ventured to a studio in L.A. where a small group of backup singers added their voices to the bare-boned track.

Naturally, he and his colleagues took Covid precautions, wearing masks and working in different parts of the studio. “The singers were behind Plexiglas and separate,” he says. “They were used to standing shoulder to shoulder. But everyone was in their own space, almost like a cage, in order to do this.” Within two more days, the song was mixed, mastered, and ready to go.”

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