Is Jim alive and well, hiding out in New York under the name “Frank?” Well, you be the judge!
According to a new documentary about Jim Morrison that’s suddenly getting quite a bit of attention, he’s been hiding out in Syracuse as a maintenance worker named Frank.
You’re probably just as skeptical as I am. However, the documentary, which is called “Before the End: Searching for Jim Morrison” has been on Apple TV+ since January. But, word is getting out about Jim/Frank and it’s starting to get more and more attention.
The documentary claims Jim Morrison faked his death and went into hiding. He eventually met a guy named Frank and assumed his identity.
This so-called “Frank” actually speaks in the documentary and even has a scar on his nose where Morrison had a mole. Now, if it is Jim, why would he come out of hiding to be in a documentary about him hiding? Makes no sense, I agree.
However, in the movie, the filmmaker shows a picture of Frank to two of Jim Morrison’s ex-girlfriends and they burst into tears at the resemblance. Coincidence? You decide! Check out the trailer for it below...