I am in no way an art expert. I like art, its cool and interesting to look at. But I also know when I see something that’s just weird. And that’s usually what I look at even longer, because I like weird. And some of these are weird to be sure.
I recently took a day trip to Sarasota to check out the Ringling Museum from the man who brought the world the circus. So of course there are circus art pieces which are weird all on their own. But the main museum with hundreds of pieces of art and sculpture and relics dating back sometimes to 2000 BCE, has a lot to look at. And I found all the weird ones, which you can see in this blog. I also found many of the naked ones which you can see in this blog.
But first we’ll start with the circus stuff. These are paintings of old circus side show acts that actually existed. At least 3 of them did that I can find. First is a 3 legged man. My question is, where is that 3rd leg coming from...?
Here’s a real life person from the circus side show, and the old Hollywood movie “Freaks”, named Koo Koo the Bird Girl. And even though this painting she looks a little more masculine, apparently that’s what she looked like in real life.
Next we have super tall Texan, Big Jim Tarver. He was also a real person.
There is also a picture of what I can only deduce are fancy Martians.
Then there’s Madame Cluffullia “The Bearded Lady” who was also a real person.
And finally for the circus side of things, I don’t even know what these are. But they seem like a happy family.
Next up is the classical art.