Young Metallica Fan Schools Trolls On Tik Tok And Its Epic!

This young lady named Zaria has a pretty large Tik Tok following (read: 124,000 fans!) Usually she does R&B and soul songs for her fans. Recently she did a video where she was wearing a Metallica “Ride The Lightning” t-shirt. Well as goes the internet, trolls just couldn’t help trying to bring her down claiming she was a poser and didn’t really like Metallica, and to “name 3 songs” by them.

In an epic response not only did she prove she’s a fan, but she schooled them super hard by shredding Metallica jams on her guitar, including some solo finger tapping bits from their epic track “One”

What’s even cooler is that once this started going viral, Metallica themselves heard about it and sent a good word too.

Here’s a link to her Tik Tok video that I will watch over and over again. Girl power!

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