Florida’s High School graduation rate hits an all-time high for the 2022-23 school year

The Florida Department of Education says the states 2022-23 school year saw the highest High School graduation rate on record.

Tallahassee, FL — The Florida Department of Education says the states 2022-23 school year saw the highest High School graduation rate on record.

The rate jumped to 88%, which is an increase of 0.7% from 2021-2022, and a 1.1% bump from 2018-2019. Graduation rates increased 4.9% for for students with disabilities, a 0.9% increase for economically disadvantaged students, and a 1.7% increase for black or African American students.

Governor DeSantis says, “Florida’s graduation rate continues to climb because our educators place a sole focus on academics in the classroom,”

The graduation rate for Orange County Public Schools, which includes traditional and charter schools, is 89.1%, a 2.1% increase from 2021-22. The district’s average graduation rate among its 22 traditional high schools is 95.5%.

Superintendent Maria Vazquez says, “We are so proud of our graduates as they continue to exceed the state. The graduation rates are a direct result of our students, teachers, principals and parents continuous hard work,”

See top OCPS schools below: