Orange County Commissioners and Mayor Jerry Demmings voted to cut off funding for the elections office yesterday- but now they might have to undo their vote.
This is all following Orange County Supervisor of elections, Glen Gilzean, who Demmings threatened with a lawsuit over spending over 5 million dollars without the approval of the county.
The commission said they sent Gilzean 9.5 million dollars this year, and they were concerned all of the money was spent. They requested the financial r5ecords and bank statements from Gilzean so he could confirm there was money left over.
The county says this is the money Gilzean spent this fiscal year without permission, according to the commission: 2.1 million was spent on scholarships, 1.9 million on job training grants, 1.1 million on voter outreach grants, and 8.5 million was unaccounted for.
READ: Orange County elections supervisor Gilzean responds to $5M spending controversy
During the vote, it was said that Gilzean and his staff did not send the bank statements to Orange County Comptroller, Phil Diamond’s staff.
That was until Gilzean’s team posted a screenshot showing the documentation was sent before the meeting.
Diamond said the email was rejected by the computer system.
Now the question is, will the commission undo their vote to with hold payment to the elections office
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